
All membership levels are currently free. Register here!
We are looking for contributorsclose Do you precept? Do you have a specialized area of knowledge you want to share? Are you a periop practice nerd and just want to get involved? This is for you! and test usersclose Are you curious about this project, wanting to test it out, and willing to provide feedback? We need test users like you! to help us grow this community. Create an account and let us know if you'd like to help out!

__Basic Membership__

$3/year Free

While we grow and test our community, this membership level is currently free.

Your financial support keeps our servers up and our editors employed and we really, really appreciate it. However, we believe information should be accessible to everyone– so if you aren't able pay for membership, apply here to have your fee waived.

__Premium Membership__

$15/year Free

While we grow and test our community, this membership level is currently free. Contact the Premium Membership team to get started.

For proceduralists who'd like to keep their preference cards hosted here, Premium membership comes with the support of an OR-trained technical consultant who will upload and maintain your preferences at your convenience.


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